Thursday, April 12, 2012

Who's wiki is this??

Social media is cool, really cool. So cool, in fact that it's literally taken over every aspect of our media-driven lives.

In reading many different texts and articles related to social media, I realized just how much social media tools can impact a business or an organization. I did some digging around and was wow-ed just how business actually do use social media and take it really seriously. The savvy business' these days are everywhere, on twitter, Facebook, youtube, you name it. They take feedback from consumers, make announcements regarding products and events, give deals/discounts/promotions and provide other forms of interactivity never offered in previous years. Thats pretty sweet knowing I can tweet @NFL about anything and there is a possibility that they might respond, but they most certainly saw the tweet. Talk about customer service.

With how cool social media has become, one of the coolest social media tools is the Wiki. What is a "wiki" you ask? Let me tell you. A wiki is a collaborative social media tool where users can create, edit and modify information shared among a community of users who may or may not share the same interests. Its like everyone online working on one big research project that never ends.

Take, for example: The Spyro the Dragon Wiki. I used to play Spyro as a kid and the game was freaking awesome. So imagine my surprise when I found a community of Spyro fans who were working together to create a database/collection of Spyro information.

Realizing that wikipedia wasn't the only kind of "wiki" wasn't wikipedia was cool, and I find it kinda fun to troll around the internet looking at all the different kinds of wikis that are floating around the internet.

Basically, social media does everything.  Things that can do everything are sweet. Therefore, social media is sweet.


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