For those of you reading this blog (that would be YOU), I figure before I put anything else down in writing, let me tell you about myself. My name is Eric Riser, I am a 21 year old college Senior on his way out of the promised land. I attend Ohio University (in Athens, Ohio AKA "The Promised Land") and I'm studying Media Management in the Scripps College of Communication. I have been obsessed with anything media-related since I can remember, and I hope to someday to have worked in every single aspect of the media industry. I want to have as many different professional experiences as possible, so that things don't get boring. If I can have as much fun and enjoy life as much as possible, I'll consider myself a success.
Some of my life accomplishments include: Hi-fiving Tiger Woods, shaking the hand of a friend who shook the hand of Arnold Schwarzenegger and popping a wheelie on my big wheel among other great accolades. I enjoy sports, watching them, I'm not a great athlete and don't have any semblance of hand-eye coordination. My favorite sports teams are the Browns, Buckeyes, Bobcats (Oh Yeah!), Blue Jackets and I'm pretty miserable on a regular basis. Except when OU beat Michigan in the 2nd round of the 2012 NCAA tournament, WHICH WAS AWESOME. I enjoy working out. As a kid I was "round" to say the least, since I was 16 I have made it a point to stay in decent shape. I've become enough of a psycho that I go at 6:30 in the morning pretty regularly.
This blog is something I am working on for a Media 470 class which is centered around social media management. I'm a huge fan of social media and I love the fact that it has the ability to bring so many different people, from so many different places together to express anything and everything. Taking this class, I am hoping to learn a great deal of new things about the effects of social media as well as how to be a better social media user. Studying social media is much like studying plants and animals, they are constantly moving and adapting to the world around them. More than ever, media in general is (IMO) one of the more complex sciences in our world today, and that's really cool.
So theres some stuff about me. Hope it was mildly-entertaining.
Edit: for those of you wondering my twitter name is ERieserd00d, which if pronounced the way my immature self pronounces it, is "E Rieser dood". I find it funny and I'm a goofy person, so I apply it to all my online names. Hence the ERieserd00d blog.